Payment method & cancellation costs


The following conditions apply to firm reservations:

  • Bookings made up to 42 days before arrival require a payment of 100% of the holiday price.
  • Bookings made more than 42 days before arrival require a payment of 20% of the holiday price.
  • The remainder of the tour price must be paid 3 weeks before arrival.

Cancellation by the customer / cancellation costs: You can cancel at any time before the start of the trip. Decisive for the cancellation costs is the receipt of the cancellation by us (by e-mail). If you do not receive a reply within 24 hours, please resend your cancellation, as it may have ended up in the spam folder. Cancellation costs:

  • Up to 42 days before departure: 10% of the booked price
  • 41 days until arrival: 100% of the booked price
  • In case of no-show: 100% of the booked price.

Payments are made as follows:

  • If there are less than 42 days between the booking date and the arrival date, the full amount will be paid.
  • In the event of cancellation, the amount will be retained in accordance with the cancellation costs and the remaining amount will be refunded.

Please note that according to the new law in Greece, 4389/2016, FEK (Government Gazette) Α 94-2016, Article 53, a sojourn tax for the public sector will be levied for tourist companies from 1 January 2018. At Villa Vaya, this additional fee is €1.50 per night per flat (not per person) and must be paid on arrival.